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Past Events

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idea to application thumbnail

Idea to Application – A Microsoft Power Apps webinar

connecting business data

Connecting business data to improve decision making

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Safeguard your organisation with M365 Security

how to migrate to sharepoint online thumbnail

How to successfully migrate to SharePoint Online

Getting started with Microsoft Power Platform

Why Microsoft Excel is killing your business

cloud backup and disaster recovery

Cloud back up & disaster recovery

Build a better intranet with SharePoint

how to roll out the power platform

How to roll out Microsoft Power Platform

azure cost management 2

Azure cost management – Reducing your costs

boost productivity

Boost productivity with Power Automate

coming back stronger

Coming back stronger – Food & drink technology roundtable

collaboration cover

Improve collaboration – Do more with SharePoint & Teams

From Surviving to Thriving cover photo

From Surviving to Thriving – The Future of Work in a Post Covid-19 World

Creating a Modern Intelligent workplace with the Microsoft Power Platform

Creating a Modern Intelligent Workplace with Power Platform

GCID cover image

Made in Glasgow – Making Data Driven Decisions – Innovation District