Do you have a custom application that isn’t delivering for your organisation? Does it run slow, crash or no longer match your business processes? Is it a legacy application on outdated technology? This is a common scenario with many other organisations also feeling the same.
This is where our custom application review and audit service comes in. Our expert team of Application development consultants and developers offer a service to review and assess your existing application. Taking into account, hosting, performance, best practice, security, user design and more.
Whether you are looking for some improvements to your existing app, independent review to ensure you app performance, looking for a new development and support partner or simply looking for new ways to improve usability and performance our App audit and review is here to help.
Stage 1 – discovery
Every application review and audit is different and has different objectives. During our discovery we formalize your objectives and the scope of the audit. Ensuring everyone understands what a good outcome looks like. During this stage you will be provided with a clear project plan for the audit with milestones and timescales.
Stage 2 – the review
Our review encompasses all key elements of your application and is focused on identifying and understanding any issues within your solution.
Key actions during this process include:
- A code review (both client and server side code)
- Assess the architecture and technology components used.
- Assess the UI and workflows
- Assess the testing approach and coverage
- Assess the deployment process
- Assess the security setup.
Stage 3 – the findings report
Once the review stage has been carried out and we have completed a full 6 point review of your application. Our consultants will pull together the results of the review and a recommendation report. This report will be provided and a presentation of the results will also be included.
Why choose Bridgeall?
Bridgeall has been a trusted application development, support and advice consultancy service for over 20 years. Building, reviewing and supporting mission critical custom applications for organisations across the UK. We have a large team of certified developers, solution architects and consultants. We are a Microsoft solution partner for Azure Digital and App innovation and cover a full range of languages and platforms.

Community Justice Scotland – A Seamless Transition to the Cloud and Application Development
Following a competitive tender process Bridgeall were appointed by Scottish Government as the hosting, support and development supplier for the Scottish Government and Community Justice Scotland’s (CJS) offender risk assessment and case management system (also known as LS/CMI).
The Growth Company – Modernising the iMentor Application
The Growth Company, an award-winning social enterprise based in Manchester, were looking to improve the way mentors and mentees were matched within their leadership mentoring platform iMentor. Bridgeall was tasked to modernise and reengineer the bespoke platform to deliver more accurate matches and create a better user experience.
Cerebria AI – Supporting cloud-based development team
Cerebria AI is a data powered software company that was looking to improve the way their development team created their software. They identified a need for a new set of tools to better support development, these included application development and application lifecycle management capability. They had identified Azure as being their chosen cloud and were looking for a partner to advise, support and procure these services.
Edrington – Power Platform Quickstart/Governance/ALM
Edrington, one of the largest spirit companies in the world, had identified Microsoft’s Power Platform as a technology solution that they wanted to roll out across the business. They were looking for support on the best way to do this and engaged Bridgeall.
TFY Care – A Unique Approach to Tackle the Crisis in the Care Sector
Bridgeall supported Time for You Care with the development their platform that allows for the management and delivery of care to be more efficient and attractive to those delivering, requesting and receiving care, and which ensures that the traditional management overhead of running a care business is greatly reduced.
NHS NES – Job Re-Evaluation Platform Development for the NHS
Bridgeall delivered a solution architecture that considered the functional requirements of the system and requirements for integration into NHS Education for Scotland’s Turas Digital platform. The first phase of work engaged with the wider stakeholder community in NHS Scotland and identified a prioritised backlog of functionality that could be delivered, along with non-functional and data-migration requirements.
NHS NES – Supporting Professional Career Development in the NHS
The NES Nursing and Midwifery Career-long ePortfolio system allowed practitioners to record evidence of continuing professional development on an electronic platform however this system was not intuitive which meant that many health professionals did not use it and went back to paper-based re-validation.
Bridgeall was engaged by the Digital team at NHS Education for Scotland (NES Digital) to develop a new web application. Working closely with the NES product owners and UX team to refine user stories and develop appealing visual designs, the new system allowed users to generate evidence for re-validation in many formats, e.g. various forms, file uploads and professional details. The resulting application has been enhanced twice and is currently being used by 25,000 users.
Natural Power – A Bat Smart Curtailment System (BSCS)
NP, a leading independent renewable energy consultancy operating globally, required a system for the curtailment of wind turbines when a high risk of bat fatality is present on windfarms. In the US, the current blanket curtailment approach in response to high wind speed minimises bat fatalities (an endangered mammal) but at a significant economic cost to operators even when there are no bats in the area. Estimates suggest that 25% to 75% of curtailment hours may be unnecessary.
Working closely with NP and Elekon AG (a Swiss-based supplier of Batlogger equipment for recording and analysing the location of bats), Bridgeall custom developed the software underpinning a Bat Smart Curtailment System to minimise these economic costs. The system removes the need for blanket curtailment by monitoring bat activity in real-time, curtailing turbines only when relative risk value has reached a certain level.
MOSL – Settlements System for the Water Market in England
To fulfill its role as Market Operator for the world’s largest competitive water market, MOSL required a central solution to manage all market transactions and market-wide settlement of wholesale charges between the Wholesalers and Retailers.
Working in close partnership with the leading IT services provider CGI, Bridgeall successfully delivered the settlements sub-system at the heart of the Central Market Operating System (CMOS).Bridgeall developed the high-quality solution, which settles £2.5BN annually, over 15 months and after a further 6 months of market testing only 7 minor defects were detected.