With an increasing number of remote staff, Ofsted wanted to ensure all devices being used would remain protected no matter where their staff were working from. The team wanted

V Ships – Keeping Shipping Lanes Open During a Pandemic with Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD)
Ryan Chatham2022-05-26T11:45:51+00:00V.Ships engaged Bridgeall to design and implement a desktop virtualisation solution. Bridgeall ran a proof of concept for Azure Virtual Desktop and then rolled this out across the company.
REMT – Enabling Remote Working Supported by Azure Virtual Desktop
Ryan Chatham2022-05-29T14:52:41+00:00With the rapid move to home working required as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic the organisation need a solution that would allow staff to access key business systems and continue to operate on a business as usual basis.
A Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) solution was delivered to the REMT management & sales teams to facilitate remote working during the Covid-19 pandemic. AVD delivered a low risk, predictable and rapid desktop migration enabling a BYOD strategy and use of cost-efficient staff devices.